How to travel with your dog


The most comfortable way to travel with a dog is by motor vehicle. This form of transportation gives the best opportunity to effectively tend to their needs and give them needed attention. However, not all dogs enjoy riding in vehicles. While some dogs jump at the chance to go for a car ride, others detest it. Sometimes car travel is not possible and air travel becomes the only alternative. It is important to do the homework necessary to insure the comfort and security of the cherished companion.

It may be necessary to prepare the dog for the upcoming trip. Here are some suggestions which may help:

*Introduce the dog to the carrier in ample time before the trip. Make it as comfortable as possible, including any favorite and comforting toys.
*If the dog is not accustomed to riding in a car, go for short rides, making sure to secure the carrier with a seat belt.
*When the departure date arrives, feed your dog at least three hours before it is time to leave.
*Whether traveling by car or airline, always make sure that your dog has the proper identification.
*If traveling by air, the first step is to check flight restrictions. It is important to find out which airlines accept dogs and select the ones that will have the most comfortable and secure environment.
*Dogs pick up on their owners’ emotional states. If you are anxious, most likely, your dog will be anxious as well. It is important to plan all aspects of your trip in a way that will insure your own peace of mind.

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